Director/CEO/Founding Director
Miami Art Museum
In tandem with trustees, spearheaded a community-wide planning effort that transformed the Center for the Fine Arts, a non-collecting space, into Miami’s flagship art museum
Oversaw privatization of this once-county department with goodwill on all fronts, uniting two systems—private and public—into a single structure for governance, personnel, and finances
Established a collection of 20th- and 21st-century international art, with an emphasis upon the art of the Americas; drafted criteria and policies for this initiative; attracted major gifts of art
Redesigned the exhibitions program to fulfill MAM’s ambitious goals and its commitment to audience diversity, modern and contemporary art, and new work by living artists, especially Miami-based artists
Developed a branding and marketing program to reach grass-roots communities as well as international audiences; made the facilities more welcoming to visitors
Formed the institution’s first education department and built it into the largest and most highly regarded program of its kind in South Florida
Created a library to make scholarship a priority for staff and volunteer docents; library holdings totaled 5,000 at the end of 2005
Launched the first after-hours art-museum program in Florida
Started groups for collectors of contemporary art and young professionals, ensuring that the museum developed its next generation of patrons and civic leaders
Championed the investment in professional fundraising software and increased private support, not only in the size of gifts but in the diversity of donors
Retired a lingering six-figure debt, established controls to prevent its reoccurrence, and doubled the operating budget to $5 million
Developed personnel policies and a handbook on ethics for sixty full- and part-time staff
Sought out a formal partnership with the Miami Museum of Science; together, successfully advocated for the creation of Museum Park on 30 acres of abandoned waterfront land
Secured $100 million in Miami-Dade County funds for a new MAM building, which opened in 2013 as the Perez Art Museum Miami, designed by Herzog de Meuron